Veterinary Diagnostics - Analyst
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the machine use special diluent?
Yes we use deionized water that has been treated to insure no microbial growth. We recommend you use our diluent to insure the quality of your results.
Can we run human rotors on the my Veterinary machine?
No not at this time.
Why do I need to have "smart card"?
This supplies all the necessary information to the machine to allow the correct processing of the test rotor.
Can I use any thermo paper?
While several brands may seem to function, we have found that most "bargain" papers give off excessive lint and cause printer failures. We recommend use of our paper and will void the warranty if other brands are used.
Why do I get "low out of range result" for Uric Acid?
This is common on dogs and cats as they have essentially zero uric acid. Any result below the lowest reportable result will give this message. It simply means you have essentially zero uric acid in the serum or plasma.
Why does the Analyst ask me to agree to the licensing each time I add a new card?
This is to insure that you are aware that the card is copy right protected and cannot be copied or duplicated.
Can I send data to my PC?
Yes this is easily done. Use the 9 pin serial port and it can either send straight ASCII test or delimited text for importation into Excel.